Monday, 19 May 2014

Quirky - but great fun....

I have loved secretary birds ever since I saw them on safari. They are crazy looking birds but have the most amazing plummage, so of course I had to paint one of them!

Don't you agree - what a mad headdress!

My friends had told me that I needed to do my next paintings on larger paper - so this was done on 1/2 imperial Bockingford NOT watercolour paper - and I still filled the page. They are now suggesting that I go up to full imperial. I'm not sure about that, as, after mounting and framing, that would made an absolutely huge picture! These fellow artists however did get one thing right - get the eyes and the beak in detail and frankly you can go completely mad with the rest of it. Birds of prey definitely have the most amazing eyes, really piercing, and it works really well with this technique. I am going to have to get to the local zoo soon (which specialises in endangered animals and birds) and have a sketching day, as I can't rely on my photographs from safari etc all the time - sometimes they just weren't zoomed in enough or in good enough detail.

Right - back to the drawing board for more....

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