Well - just over half-way through the Michaelhouse exhibition. Obviously lots of work, as we are manning it ourselves at the busy times of the day, but feedback has been good, as I believe very few artists do actually do this.
We had a very successful private view last week - lots of people through the door and a number of sales. I sold one during the event, along with quite a number of my cards...
"Close-up of Teasel"
(acrylic ink and soft pastel, done on quarter imperial Bockingford 425gsm NOT watercolour paper)
This is my latest teasel - a great subject to paint and a popular subject with people. There are so many on the fields at the moment and obviously I see them every day on the dog walk. Don't think I'll ever get tired of painting and drawing them.
Another painting that has been sold is this:
"Peacock Feathers"
(acrylic ink, done on half imperial
Bockingford 425gsm NOT watercolour paper)
I have done a few different peacock feather paintings. I bought a number of feathers at the local garden centre - incredibly long and difficult to manage on the table whilst painting. However, having them right in front of you, rather than relying on a photograph, really helps in terms of seeing the different colours within them.The colours available in the acrylic ink range are perfect for this subject matter. Using salt in the centres worked well also, giving a wonderful effect, whilst retaining the deepness of the blue.
Life is too busy to paint at the moment, which is a shame. After the exhibition is taken down this coming Sunday, hopefully I can start experimenting with all the new ideas I have.